New ATAN focuses on the 11nm Technology Node
IDE’s ATAN active vibration isolation modules considered the ideal solution for high-throughput semiconductor manufacturing and metrology equipment.
Continuing a decades-long tradition of developing innovative active vibration isolation solutions for the global semiconductor and metrology industries, Integrated Dynamics Engineering (IDE) is now highlighting its state-of-the-art series, ATAN - a hybrid suite of active vibration isolation modules. These have been engineered to accommodate a broad range of stage mass acceleration and payload capacities.
This new series of ATAN modules is yet another example of IDE’s dedication to providing extraordinary, highly flexible isolators that meet, or even exceed, the demands of today’s ever-expanding global OEM applications.
The ATAN active vibration isolation solution incorporates a complex hybrid isolation technology which provides outstanding floor vibration control and an order of magnitude improvement for stage settling times. Typical settling performance achieved has been below 50 msec for today’s 2G + stages.
Currently, there are three size/capacity isolator options in the series: ATAN 500 - 2000 kg up to 6000 kg; ATAN 300 - 1000 kg up to 2500 kg; and ATAN 100 - 600 kg up to 1800 kg.
According to Roland Kappel, IDE Director of Environmental Product Development “Our new ATAN modules are a primary example of IDE never losing its focus on global semiconductor manufacturing. IDE continues to develop unique vibration isolation solutions that make optimum results readily achievable in fabs worldwide.”