IDE enables you to deliver research results
with confidence
You’ve got the right electron microscope for the job. You’ve spent hours defining the right evaluation methodology and preparing the sample for the perfect image.
You have a lot invested! Can you be sure the environment around you is not going to ruin all of your efforts? IDE can.
IDE, with the most vibration isolation and EMI cancellation systems in use today, is no stranger to nanotechnology. For over twenty years, IDE has been addressing the special needs of research environments with advanced isolation solutions. IDE’s influence and global reach can be seen in the most cutting edge labs pushing physical boundaries to extremes in advanced materials, surface science, microbiology and more.
Without the support of IDE environmental control,
nanotechnology research and development could lose focus
Superior images at near atomic resolution require a consistently controlled environment – free of acoustic, seismic and electromagnetic excursions. But we can’t always control the people and things around us. This is where IDE steps in. Environmental control engineers at IDE have focused on advancing isolation technology to keep pace with the ever-increasing demands of nanotechnology exploration. Today, IDE delivers the highest levels of environmental stability in the world.
IDE has delivered the ultimate in environmental control
with each advance in electron microscopy
Whether it’s working at sub-100 nanometer or sub-angstrom scale, IDE has remained at the forefront of environmental disturbance control. 3-D structure analysis, new light weight- high strength material research, or studying physical effects of different amino acids – IDE remains in step with your needs with the latest developments in environmental control.
IDE’s MK-5 EMI compensation system and PAD-600 vibration isolation platform set today’s standard

The latest advance in EMI compensation
- Probe placement at the point of measurement without interference effects
- Greatest EMI field reduction over the broadest control bandwidth
- Lowest noise in the industry
- Flexible installation options include in-wall, wall mount or sleek styled cage
Since IDE pioneered the first commercially available active compensation system for electromagnetic stray fields, we have stayed ahead of the competition in delivering the most advanced solutions for electron microscopy needs. Already the gold standard in performance, now, IDE’s fifth generation MK product takes the technology to a new level.

Both high and low frequency vibration isolation in one economic package
- Unique floor feed-forward technology allowing superior isolation starting below 1Hz
- High speed control allows immediate response
- Combination hard and soft mount hybrid design allows broad bandwidth of control
- Most effective isolation of high magnitude disturbances
With the largest installed base of active compensation systems around the world and the most advanced technology, IDE is the clear leader for vibration isolation. With the PAD 600 design, IDE offers a unique package specifically tailored to the nanotechnology laboratory application for electron microscopes.